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Obtaining associated membership

Fifth chapter of the Estonian Bar Association Act regulates the associated membership of the Estonian Bar Association.

The right to act as an associated member of the Bar Association is granted, on the basis of an application, to a person who is a citizen of a member state of the European Union and who has the right to practise as an attorney on a permanent basis in a member state of the European Union.

An associated member of an Estonian Bar Association is an attorney who wishes to practise in Estonia permanently.

Practising as an attorney in Estonia temporarily is regulated in § 74 of the Estonian Bar Association Act.

A person who wants to apply for the associated membership must submit following documents:

– A signed application in Estonian according to § 6 clause 6 of the Rules of Procedure of the Bar Association (including personal identification code).
– Copy of the passport or ID card.
– Certification of being member of the home Bar Association. The certificate is deemed valid where it has been issued to the applicant up to three months before submission to the Bar Association.
– Data of the law firm. In the application it must be shown the data of the law firm in home member state and information of the law firm where applicant starts working in Estonia or information whether an applicant wishes to set up own law office. If an applicant is a member of the management of a law office or a shareholder of a company of attorneys in a member state of the European Union, then documents certifying this must be presented.
– Professional liability insurance. An associate member is not required to have professional liability insurance as prescribed in § 48 of the Estonian Bar Association Act, provided that they have professional liability insurance in a Member State of the European Union, which allows for indemnification of damage in Estonia on the conditions set out in § 48. In that case a copy of the professional liability insurance contract must be submitted together with the application. Insofar as professional liability insurance does not cover damage to the extent set out in § 48, an associate member must conclude a professional liability insurance contract and it must be submitted to the Bar at first opportunity or by the required deadline.
– coloured digital document photograph for membership card.

You may also add curriculum vitae, certification of legal education etc.

Membership fee is 70 EUR monthly.

The details of international bank transfer are:

Beneficiary`s (account) IBAN: EE167700771009219435
Beneficiary: Eesti Advokatuur
Beneficiary`s Bank: AS LHV Pank


Address: Rävala pst 3, Tallinn, 10143 Estonia
Tel:  +372 662 0665
Reg code 74000027